Friday, October 31, 2008

FLV on Youtube - download and play

In last class, Mark raised the questions regarding video downloading from Youtube and display with pop-up windows on the Web. The explanations are listed below:

1. Downloading
If you consider to extract video contents out of the Youtube-marked skin/player, and use them on your own site (please credit properly on your Bibliography page), simply download the video by righ-click > "download this video to realplayer"(on PC). "RealPlayer" allows you to save the video on your local disk. You will find the video is already in FLV. (Flash Video) format, meaning it is ready for being embedded onto your HTML web pages.

In the class, I mentioned that FLV. files can't be directly opened by QuickTime player, etc., but you can possibly view it with Adobe Media Player or RealPlayer without further processing.Give a try, if you can see following video (which is download from Youtube directly) with either of the players:
The resource page:

2. Displaying video in pop-up window
Please follow this tutorial:

1 comment:

Abhijeet said...

Here is a simple way to download vids from youtube without any special software. try this