Thursday, December 4, 2008
Coverting PSD to HTML
There is another method to covert your screen design in Photoshop, which demands less work. I didn't recommend it in the class because the outcome might be not as perfect as desired, in terms of composition and visual solutions. But if you prefer saving time and will be satisfied with a basic site, you can try the following:
1. Carefully create slices in Photoshop
2. File > Save for Web & Devices > Select slices as needed > Save
3. in the pop-up window, choose Format > HTML & Image; Settings > Default; Slices > Selected Slices
Then you can find the HTML exported, and add links to buttons.
Let me know if this works. Good Luck!
How to make a Flash movie with a transparent background
How to make a Flash movie with a transparent background
How to make a Flash movie with a transparent background
The background of a Flash movie can be set to transparent. This allows the background color or image of the HTML page that contains the Flash movie to show through and allows the layering of Flash content with DHTML content.
Preparing the HTML page to make the Flash movie transparent
Three methods of creating an HTML page with the correct code are outlined below.
Publishing from Flash
The HTML for a Flash movie can be created using the Publish Settings feature in Flash. The Publish Settings dialog box provides an option to affect the WMODE setting. The options selected in the Publish Settings will be added to the HTML source code automatically:
Choose File > Publish Settings. Select the HTML tab.
Choose "Transparent" in the WMODE setting to make the Flash movie's background disappear in browsers which support this feature.
Publish the document.
The Adobe Captivate demonstration below illustrates how to use the Publish Settings in Flash to change the WMODE settings. For more information about viewing this demo, see Viewing Adobe Captivate Demos in Knowledgebase Documents (TechNote kb403894).
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Adobe CS4 Student Editions
Friday, November 14, 2008
Attendance Policy
Because some of your email addresses can be processed by school's server, I have to post following message here.
I'm so pleased to see our "creative journey" has been proceeding very well. It's extremely exciting to me to share design ideas as well as knowledge in digital art.
As this point, I need to remind the class about school's attendance regulations, which, I believe, was stressed in the first class, "any unexcused absence in excess of two will result in a failing grade". However, to define the term "unexcused absence" is somehow difficult, technically, as declared by the college, for classes meeting once a week, two absences result fail a course.
Hope this causes attentions. Good luck with your projects!
VM618 instructor
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
ActionScript Library on DVD
Friday, October 31, 2008
FLV on Youtube - download and play
1. Downloading
If you consider to extract video contents out of the Youtube-marked skin/player, and use them on your own site (please credit properly on your Bibliography page), simply download the video by righ-click > "download this video to realplayer"(on PC). "RealPlayer" allows you to save the video on your local disk. You will find the video is already in FLV. (Flash Video) format, meaning it is ready for being embedded onto your HTML web pages.
In the class, I mentioned that FLV. files can't be directly opened by QuickTime player, etc., but you can possibly view it with Adobe Media Player or RealPlayer without further processing.Give a try, if you can see following video (which is download from Youtube directly) with either of the players:
The resource page:
2. Displaying video in pop-up window
Please follow this tutorial:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Please bring a video file to the class on Wednesday
In tomorrow's class, we're introducing Flash Video encoding and editing techniques. Please prepare one or more video file(s) in .avi or .mov format, and bring a copy to the class. The video can be either your own work or an archive considered suitable to be added onto your Website. It's up to you to choose a video with or without soundtrack.
Thanks for your attentions.
VM618 instructor
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Recommended Website: incorporating animated/multimedia components
I've included some links considered helpful to your animation design, that I intended to share with the class last Wednesday but couldn't due to the school server problem.
Comics online
animated component:
game trailer:,28242,1838918-4,00.html
Film production
Federation of European Film Directors website:
audio/video production
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Macromedia Flash MX
If you really need to work on Flash animation at home, try this one:
Macromedia Flash MX
It was released in 2004, therefore the interface looks slightly different from the version we have in the lab.
Tips: "Convert to symbol" is under "Insert" menu on Flash MX.
I've downloaded it onto my PC, overall it's fine for creating animations.
Please share links for free downloading on the forum. Thanks.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Photoshop CS3 Extended free trial
For more free software resources:
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Discussion: The Power of Mass Creativity
We-Think: the power of mass creativity
by Charles Leadbeater
(Apr 23, 2008 at the Royal Society for the encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (RSA))
In his new book, We-Think , Charlie Leadbeater explores how the web is changing our world, creating a culture in which more people than ever can participate, collaborate and share ideas and information. But participation is not always a good thing: it can just create a cacophony and as the web changes to become more collaborative it leaves users open to invasions of privacy.
Join Charlie Leadbeater at the RSA to consider one of the defining battles of our time – the struggle between people who want to freely share - music, films, ideas, information - and those who want to control this activity, either corporations who want to make money or governments who fear debate and democracy.
Monday, September 29, 2008
My Creative Journey - Project Part I
Friday, September 5, 2008
Discussion on Digital Media Production
Dear VM618 students,
This blog is set up as a discussion forum for the studies of Digital Media Production.
Post your opinions, thoughts, questions or suggestions, ideas related to learning materials of VM618, including reading assignments, technical training, studio assignments, etc. If you find valuable information, such as a Web site/page, exhibition/showcase announcement, updated technology, or an insightful article etc., that may benefit our learning process and "creative journey," please share with a message or link!
Lily Xiying Yang